Artist Series Sales Ideas
Leaders Partners has developed over 30 professionally designed Artist Series Sales Ideas for your use. LPI has broken these sales ideas into five easy to understand categories that include Linked Benefit Strategies, Asset Leverage Strategies, Legacy Transfer Solutions, Income Solutions and Additional Planning Strategies.
Our Advisors Only area contains the entire list of Artist Series Sales Ideas in printable format for your immediate use. If you're not already working with Leaders Partners contact us today about Getting Started with LPI.
UPDATED Created: October 2010

SUMMARY: Many affluent clients express a desire to provide for their loved ones "after I'm gone." Savvy estate planners have long known that one of the best ways to provide for loved ones is by planning now. Lifetime giving allows the donor to have greater privacy and probate avoidance, and may also increase the net amount passed to the heirs. This savings may be further leveraged through the use of life insurance to provide a substantial legacy to the client's family.
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