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Artist Series Sales Ideas

Leaders Partners has developed over 30 professionally designed Artist Series Sales Ideas for your use. LPI has broken these sales ideas into five easy to understand categories that include Linked Benefit Strategies, Asset Leverage Strategies, Legacy Transfer Solutions, Income Solutions and Additional Planning Strategies.

Our Advisors Only area contains the entire list of Artist Series Sales Ideas in printable format for your immediate use. If you're not already working with Leaders Partners contact us today about Getting Started with LPI.


Created: March 2016

SUMMARY: Special needs families must carefully plan for the financial well being of their children and often, well into the future. Special needs trusts are used to protect assets earmarked for care and maintenance and to protect them from needs testing for healthcare and other subsidies. Parents of special needs children often fund expenses "pay as you go" and rely on life insurance to fund their special needs trust at their death. Survivorship life insurance funds at the death of the last to die.

To view the complete version of the SPECIAL NEEDS TRUST FUNDING Artist Series Sales Idea login to the LPI Advisors Only area now.

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